If you need to till or cultivate a weed engulfed garden but are low on man power, embrace the Mantis 7262-00-02 Gas Powered Tiller for an easy and happy all year around tilling experience. Using this Mantis tiller, you can till 10 inches deep in forward tine mode and upto 3-4 inches deep in reverse tine mode. Being 54 x 13.5 x 40 inches in dimension, weighing 23.2 pounds, width of 9 inches, four cycle, commercial grade and 25cc honda gas engine, these immensely powerful tines with rpm of 240 savages through sod and clay. The engine revs up but the sharp tines won’t move till the moment you squeeze the throttle on the handle bars, adding a safety bonus here. Its single piece cast gear box is tough and meant to last through harrowing seasons. This is also portable, versatile to usage beyond the confines of your garden and convenient for a quick mow.

Main Features:
- Honda Four Stroke which is amazing because you do not have to mix gas, with the horsepower provided it is bound to start every time in just one call without any hassles.
- The most impressive feature is that you can reverse the tiller wheels to be able to successfully do what process you want. You can run it in ‘tiller mode’ to be able to till with its forward motion. If you switch them around, it will go on into the ‘cultivator mode’ and do cultivating or de-weeding for your crops.
- The two long handle bars come with a safety switch and an on off switch which is a bit too close to the former which sometimes makes it a little inconvenient at times and the machine might get shut in the midst of working because of the proximity of the on off switch to the handling area.
- This beast of a tiller with its efficient and trust wrothy engine does not need oil and gas to be mixed thus devoiding the regular customer of a lot of everyday hassles.
- The best part about it is that you don’t need to be a weight lifter to til your garden with this powerful tiller. It only weighs about 24 pounds that makes it extremely easy to work with and tiling becomes an easy job. It can easily be maneuvered tilled and transported from one end to the other.
- The sleek 9 inch wide design will entitling you to efficiently use the tiller to put in to narrow rows whilst keeping it stored easily in places in your storeroom where your bulky large tillers never could get accommodated.
- The Honda Mantis 4 cycle tiller comes with a surprising 5 Year consumer warranty on the entire tiller package including engine, along with a sweet lifetime warranty on tines against all kinds of breakage.
- Since the tiller tines are irreversible with the option consisting of having it both tilled and reversed for cultivating options, they’re patented and are used to till down upto 10 inches or shallow cultivate top 2 to 3 inches of the soil.
- It can be switched on or off by either the switch at the tiller’s handle bar or also instantly by pulling the cord that starts the engine.
- Extremely eco friendly design as there is no smoke emission outlet here.
- Although not exactly a cheap deal, it is worth the cost it sells itself for and is a huge time saver which ultimately improves the quality of your soil.
- Saves your neighbors the trouble too as its work is comparatively quieter than most models.
- Light weighted and hence very easily maneuvered.
- Suitable for any kind of rough soil too with rocks and clay and can wade its sharp claws through it.
- It comes with a manual and a few extra bolts. Using the bolts to build and prep it up should be even easier than making it run.
- Because of its sleek compact design, it can be easily fit inside into the back of most SUV cars even when in completely assembled state. This option is definitely an advantage as compared to the other bulky ones available in market.
- The Mantis attachments or the detachers as they are called work on universal platform with other Mantis 4 stroke models too.
- You do not need to be extremely lofty or a muscle man to be able to use this product to mow your lawns. It is extremely easy to maneuver even by novices and you should be good to go in a few runs.
- The cord to pull that revs up the engine is easy to pull and strong at the same time.
Tips for Easy Handling:
- The extra bolts would be extremely helpful and make sure you have those in the packet. If not definitely ask the purchaser for those.
- If you do not think you will be using the product for the rest of the year, you can always de-assemble the parts and keep it nicely stored.
- The little tiller might get clogged when worked upon pebbly or clayey soil. You will want to declog it before keeping it separate.
- Always turn the switch off at the handle before you bow down to adjust anything near the tines to avoid accidents.
Price/Cost Considerations:
The Mantis 7262-00-02 Honda Powered four cycle tiller/cultivator is sold at the price range of $350 to $550 on different online shopping sites. A border edger attachment can also be obtained on adding a $9.95 in some sites. Through Amazon it is available in US except California and a few countries outside US for a minimun shipping cost of $25. International shipping is currently unavailable.
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