If you know how to care for your Mantis tiller, you can easily keep it running for several seasons. Most of the tillers come with a manual and DVD which provides the user with necessary information that is required for safe working and continuity of the tiller.
Tillers with small engines don’t support adjustments since they are factory installed and it’s nearly impossible to adjust them. You can obviously get it changed or replaced by the company in case of problems.
In case you’re experiencing issues with your Mantis, it can typically be solved by adjusting the throttle cable. This can be adjusted through the air filter cover placed on the side of the tiller. And if your Mantis Tiller has screws, then you can adjust it using the main mixture screw while your system is running at full throttle.
You can also adjust it up and down until the engine strokes 4 under no load and full throttle. Ideally, you’ll have to adjust the screws by making sure the engine drops from full throttle to idle speed without it stalling.
It’s necessary to adjust a rough and sputtering engine to make sure you get the power you need so the tiller prong through the hardest dirt and rocks smoothly. You can adjust the Mantis Tiller carburetor using red and white screws which are located behind the air filter cover beside the black choke button on the right side of the engine.
The white screw helps to adjust the low-speed setting and the red screw helps in controlling the high-speed setting. For better understanding, you can follow the following steps to adjust the Mantis Carburetor:
Make Your Preparation
You can check the Tiller’s user manual to situate every part easily and how to make adjustments. For initiating, follow these steps:
Step 1
Start by unscrewing the wing nut which is placed on the centre of the air filter using a screwdriver. Remove the nut from the bolt sticking out of the filter cover. Now pull off the cover carefully to ensure that it clears off the choke button.
Step 2
Once you open the air filter, check it for any dirt or damage. Make sure to clean it or replace it if required. Then find the white and red adjustment screws situated below the primer bulb on the right side of the carburetor. The white screw is placed at the right and red screw on its left.
Step 3
Now detect the retaining pins at the end of the axle where the cultivator’s tines are fixed. Pull out the longer portion of each pin until it clears out the hole in each end of the axle. Further twist every pin away from the axle to take it out and remove it. Glide away the tines off of the axle and keep them aside.
Make The Adjustment
Here comes the part where you make the necessary adjustments for the Mantis carburetor. Follow these steps:
Step 1
Start the engine and let it run at idle speed for at least two to three minutes. Then pull out the black choke button briefly by ensuring that the engine doesn’t stall. As mentioned earlier, make sure you don’t allow the engine to stall during this process. This helps in clearing out the air from the fuel system while the engine warms up.
Step 2
Now stop the engine and rotate the red screw in counter clockwise direction until it stops. Then turn over the white screw counter clockwise until it stops or looks like it’s about the come out of the carburetor. Spin the white screw again, now in clockwise direction and take note of how many times it takes turns to stop rotating. Next turn the white screw counter clockwise in as many as half turns that you counted. This means that the white screw should be set halfway between completely screwed in and out.
Step 3
Subsequently restart the engine and get it running at full throttle for two to three seconds to clear out any excess fuel and then return it to idle throttle speed. Now reverse the engine at full throttle briefly and examine how well it is transitioning from low to high speed. If you notice that the engine still accelerates slowly or sounds rough and sputtering, then turn the white screw one-eighth of a full turn in the counterclockwise direction. Reverse the engine again and check the speed. Continue to make adjustments in the white screw until the engine runs smoothly without any roughness or sputtering at full throttle and idle speed.
And if your engine runs too fast, then you need to adjust the red screw in the same manner. You just need to repeat the same steps with either screws until you get a smooth transition from low to high speed.
Though the Mantis Tiller is typically manufactured in a user-friendly manner to make sure you enjoy trouble-free tilling experience, it can sometimes create issues. But you can easily solve these small problems through effortless DIY steps given in the user manual as well as on the official sites.